How did you start walking?

I came to the UK from Pakistan last year. Due to a lack of guidance I was not initially able to join the things I wanted to as this is a new country for me. Two months after my arrival I joined a Wellbeing Course which was organised by Voice of BME Trafford at Limelight and after taking part I decided to explore more new things by myself.

What part did MileShy play in your walking journey?

In March of this year I got a chance to join the MileShyClub Walking Group at Limelight with a referral from VBMET. Before joining the MileShyClub Walking Group walking was just a way to get from one point to another and I was nervous as I had no idea what the sessions would be like.

At my first session I found there were three different parts to the walk. Twenty minutes of light stretching exercises before and after the walk, and sometimes some breathing exercises. Then we walked for forty minutes from Limelight to the local parks depending upon weather and other participants. The last bit is getting social interaction with new people. All these things make the perfect combination for a walking group. If you think about having to walk for an hour it seems too difficult so you don’t do it and then become lazy, but under the guidance of lovely coach Jane and with the help of my lovely walking mates it has made possible for me to walk for longer and do light exercises. Sometimes I don’t even realise how quickly the time has passed!

What advice would you give to people just starting out walking?

I actually really look forward to every Wednesday to get out for an enjoyable walk. As I was new to this country this walking group has given me a chance to interact with new people and making new friends which is something I really needed. I like to motivate others to join this lovely and friendly walking group because it provides a chance to move and breathe in fresh air and also gives us a chance to talk and share our experiences with each other. Now I am known in the community as a regular walker and a big motivator and I feel really honoured to be a part of MileShyClub Walking Group.